« Les Frères Scott » : la ville de la série dévastée, les acteurs se mobilisent (vidéo)

Publié : 19 septembre 2018 à 15h35 par Aurélie Amcn

La ville où a été tournée la série "Les Frères Scott" a été complètement ravagée par la tempête Florence. Très affectés, les acteurs expriment leur tristesse et leur choc sur les réseaux sociaux.

Crédit : Les Frères Scott
L’ouragan Florence a tout dévasté sur son passage. La ville de Willmington, en Caroline du Nord, bien connu par les fans des séries Les Frères Scott et Dawson, est d’ailleurs sous les eaux. Des images qui ont choqué de nombreux internautes, et notamment les acteurs des deux séries. Rapidement, ils se sont emparés des réseaux sociaux pour exprimer leur tristesse. 

« L
’un des plus beaux endroits où l’on peut séjourner.
 J’ai considéré cette ville comme ma maison pendant des années », s’est exclamé Chad Michael Murray (Lucas Scott). C’est en larmes que Hilarie Burton (Peyton Sawyer) s’est affichée sur Instagram. Tandis que Sophia Bush (Brooke Davis) a décidé de se mobiliser pour les habitants de Willmington en lançant une collecte de fonds : https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/capefearlesschallenge.

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https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/capefearlesschallenge Social media can be really phony and smoke + mirrors. Here's my ugly, no filter truth. I'm sitting here in bed going through the endless pictures of Wilmington NC that my friends and family are posting in the wake of the hurricane, and I'm devastated. Been crying off and on all day. Some of my loved ones stayed. Some left. It was a lose/lose situation. If you left, you have no idea what has happened with your home. If you managed to escape total flooding, there could be a leak in the room or a window or a door that is seeping in water. If you stayed, you're facing a shortage of supplies, no fuel, sewage in the water, tornados, downed power lines, sink holes, destroyed roads -virtually nothing is safe. The deaths are agonizing. The heartbreak of the first responders who have to keep going is.....there just aren't words. It's all unrelenting and unbearably sad. I feel helpless. And so if Wilmington NC has ever meant something to you...if youve ever been entertained by its beauty as the backdrop to Matlock or Muppets in Space or Lolita or Blue Velvet or any of these other countless gems (http://www.wilmingtonfilm.com/feature-film/) please consider donating to support the film crews, the business owners, the local communities, the landscape that has captured so many of our hearts. Teaming with @randomactsorg (who puts money directly into the community without any middlemen) the women of OTH invite you to join the #capefearlesschallenge We can't fix the whole wide world. But if a few donations or the purchasing of tshirts can help one devastated family, ten families, a hundred families....it all adds up. Thank you. Sincerely. Xo Link to fundraiser in bio.

Une publication partagée par Hilarie Burton (@hilarieburton) le

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One of the most beautiful places you’ll ever journey to is Wilmington, NC. It and the surrounding areas are about to be under siege by hurricane Florence. I called this place home for years and it always will be in some capacity. It carries the finest ppl you’ll meet and the little city has captured the heart of Millions. Please evacuate if you’re in Florence’s path. And please pray for “the spirit” that Wilmington is and always will be. This place grabbed hold of my heart years ago & if you ever visit it’ll grab yours too, in the best way. Much love to you all & God Bless�x"� Everyone in Florence’s path- we are praying for you #hurricaneflorence #wilmingtonnc #greatppl #praying #love #besafe

Une publication partagée par Chad Murray (@chadmichaelmurray) le

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Anybody who watched #DawsonsCreek will recognize this location. It’s now underwater, as is much of the state. These are resilient communities who come together in times of disaster (I rode out several hurricanes myself in that red brick building, after boarding up those two windows facing camera), but #Wilmington is currently inaccessible by highway, and many parts of the region will be facing an epic journey to recovery after unprecedented rains and historic flooding. American Red Cross and Donors Choose are always good bets to donate. Link in my bio on choosing a way to give and what to watch out for. I learned a lot in the South... my heart is with you, Carolinas �x"#hurricaneflorence #Repost @ki_aneri 㒻㒻㒻 #hurricane #florence #downtown #wilmingtonnc #�x"ÈxÈ

Une publication partagée par James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) le