Yoga Skin : la nouvelle tendance beauté qui fait fureur (vidéos)

Publié : 10 août 2019 à 18h45 par Marjorie Raynaud

Adeptes du maquillage glowy et naturel ? Vous allez adorer cette nouvelle tendance makeup qui consiste à réaliser un maquillage façon "sortie de cours de Yoga".

Crédit : Pixabay

Si l'envie de yoga vous titille depuis un moment, n'attendez plus. En plus de tester des positions aux surnoms assez marrants (chien tête en bas, mouvements de guerriers et de salutations au soleil), vous allez en plus avoir un teint frais et reposé. Le "Skin Yoga" est la nouvelle tendance beauté du moment et fait fureur sur Instagram. La première à avoir "théorisé" cette tendance, c'est Sara Hill, une makeup artiste tout droit venu d'Angleterre.

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The Yogaskin Technique I created to make the skin look lit �x�from within. Healthy, glowing, hydrated, radiant, sheer and natural. Skin that looks like skin at its very best. �SÈ}Step One - Cleanse and prep your skin as normal. Let your skincare absorb fully before adding the next step. �SÈ}Step Two - Apply a small amount of primer (silicone free). �SÈ}Step Three - 3-4 Pumps of your favourite foundation liquid. Preferably Sheer/Medium (water based). No full cover. �SÈ}Step Four - One drop of your favourite skincare facial oil �SÈ}Step Five - One drop of strobe cream or Liquid highlighter. Golden tones work best. �SÈ}Step Six - For super shine One small drop of Glow drops (this step is optional ) �SÈ}Step Seven - Massage into your skin using your hands; this does many things. It gets the circulation flowing, relaxes you, de-puffs, and makes the base sit better too. Build up in layers on top until you are happy with the coverage created. I would recommend allowing time between layers. �SÈ}Step Eight - Add a small amount of liquid concealer only in the areas you wish more coverage like under eyes, spots or around the nose. Please do not overdo this step �SR�xÈ. You can lightly powder to set concealer. Add cream blush and cream bronzer if you wish. And you can set your face overall with powder too, use a small fluffy brush to do this or puff and keep the powder to a minimum and sheer. No baking please �xÈ . If you wish to use setting spray make sure it’s alcohol free to give further hydration. I used.. - foundation @kiehlsuki -Facial oil @kevynaucoin -Highlighter liquid @revolutionpro - Glow drops - Cream bronzer @glossier - Cream blush Recommend powder - @maccosmeticsuk Blot powder. Recommend set spray @pixibeauty. If this all seems to complex don’t panic! just add a little facial oil into your base keep everything looking sheer as possible. If you have very oily skin and don’t like to look shiny this might not be the look for you. Thanks to @shebysmd @coloursagency @_donnamcgowan @bobrafferty #yogaskin #realskinrevolution #freethefreckle #motd #makeuptutorial #makeupvideos #inbeautmag ❤️�xÈ#nomakeupmakeup

Une publication partagée par Sara Hill �� Makeup Artist (@sarahillmakeup) le

Comment réaliser cette nouvelle tendance beauté ?

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“Yoga Skin“ a technique I created to help people achieve a natural glowing complexion easily. It is more than a technique, in fact you don’t even need to mix facial oil and highlighter into your foundation to create it, for me it’s more about the finished look. It differs from glass skin because it’s not polished perfection. It’s skin that looks real, raw, healthy, hydrated and glowing. It’s about beautiful skin, great skincare and embracing the no makeup makeup vibe. It’s not for everyone. Makeup styles, like everything in life is down to personal taste. But if you fancy giving it a go just add a few drops of facial oil into your water based foundation, a few drops of liquid highlighter and apply, I like to use my hands to massage it in, however, you can use a sponge if you prefer. #yogaskin Model @laurengreeny ❤️❤️ Hair @jackbaxter Video @_donnamcgowan #glowingskin #yogaskin #sarahillmakeup #inbeautmag #skingoals #makeuptutorial #makeupvideos

Une publication partagée par Sara Hill �� Makeup Artist (@sarahillmakeup) le

"J'ai créé [cette technique] pour que la peau soit éclairée de l'intérieur (...) qu'elle soit saine, éclatante, hydratée, radieuse, pure et naturelle", explique-t-elle. Le but ? Avoir un teint frais, lumineux, "comme à la sortie d'un cours de yoga". Pour réaliser cette technique, on met immédiatement de côté son fond de teint matifiant. Ici, on veut briller. Après avoir bien nettoyé votre peau, vous appliquez votre crème hydratante sur votre visage à peine séché. Vous pouvez ensuite mettre un fond de teint liquide, avec une goutte d'highlighter liquide. Vous pouvez l'appliquer sur les pommettes et l'arrête du nez afin d'accentuer ce côté glowy. Pour l'effet bonne mine, pensez à mettre votre anti-cernes habituel. Alors prêtes à se mettre au Yoga Skin ?

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I tried yogaskin - a method @sarahillmakeup introduced me too & I kinda like it - what do you think? �SÈSÈS� . •makeup• @maccosmetics face n body foundation @beccacosmetics first light priming filter @maccosmeticsaustria strobe cream pinklite @beautybakeriemakeup face oil @nablacosmetics close up concealer . #yogaskin #glowyskin #glowyskinroutine #skinroutine #naturalmakeup #beautymakeup #maccosmetics #beautybakerie #nabla #nablacosmetics #maryhadalittleglam #kirschundkern #makeupartistsworldwide #makeupforbarbies #makeuptutorial #allmodernmakeup #editorialmakeup #creativemakeup #makeuptutorialsx0x #makeupobsessed #makeupisforany1 #wakeupandmakeup #undiscovered_muas #underratedmua #slayandblend #100daysofmakeup #blazin_beauties #beccacosmetics

Une publication partagée par Tinty • Makeup Artist • Vienna (@kirschundkern) le