Une bodybuildeuse est le sosie de Jennifer Lopez ! (Photos)

Publié : 30 juillet 2017 à 17h05 par La rédaction

Ces derniers temps, une jeune américaine affole la toile. La raison : sa troublante ressemblance avec J.Lo !


Elle le sait et elle en joue ! Janyce Garay publie régulièrement des photos d’elle sur son compte Instagram et met en avant sa ressemblance avec la bomba latina la plus célèbre de la planète ! Coiffure, maquillage et tenue sulfureuse, la tête légèrement baissée, Janyce fait tout pour créer l’illusion.

�a�️100k!? �xܱ�xܱ�xܱ �x�x"R�xÈ�x"R�xÈ�xÈ�xÈI'm so speechless, I want to thank all of my followers/fans/friends/family and even the haters for the love an support! �x"ÈxÈ�x"ÈxÈ�x"ÈxÈ Now I am worldwide being shown on all the Hispanic channels, radio stations, blogs, all over social media! �xܩThis is where it all started with this meme About 4 weeks ago LOL, then more memes were being made shortly after that, most of my pictures were popping on the explore page all the time apparently, people assuming I was @jlo but little did they know I'm a Figure Competitor That lives in Houston, Tx name "JAY" not JLO. Lol I appreciate everyone who stands up for me with all this negativity going around, I see your comments trust me I just don't have the time to reply back to everyone to say TY, but now I'm telling all of you�x"ÈxÈ�x! As you know I'm in prep getting ready to hit the stage in L.A California on July 22nd - LA Championships I worked my ass off every single day for this show no matter what was going on in my life (good&Bad) or how I was feeling...I want everyone to notice me for my dedication An hard work for bodybuilding not some "want to be jlo" that people claim of me to be . Even thow, I do have the most respect and love for Jennifer Lopez , people who know me know I admire her An look up to her ever Since the movie Selena came out. I keep getting asked "how do you deal with all this negativity and hate jay?" well because I'm so focused on my own goals An dreams that no matter what is being thrown my way, it won't ever break me because I've been through worst situations that most of you will never know! That's why I remain humble, I'm just a girl from Houston trying to make it big in the fitness industry to become Ms. Figure Olympia! Just Remember, anything is possible, you have to work for what you want, invest and stay away from distractions and negative people in your life, nobody will ever understand but that's okay your doing this for you, not them so in the end who cares what people have to say about you. I'm over here being hated so much but god is blessing me with opportunities in my life! So who is really Winning?! �xÈ�xÈ‍'�️�xÈxÈ�x"ÈxÈ�x Love you all! Thx again! - Jay �x�

Une publication partagée par J A Y F R O M H O U S T O N�x� (@jayfromhouston) le

New hair, who dis?! �xܝ�xThis is it baby! It's finally here, sitting at the airport waiting, thinking about how my life is going to change from this point on. I'm so excited to come back to L.A, it is my 2nd home and I'm looking forward to this competition on Saturday , my interview with telemundo, and looking forward to eating like a pig at all the foodie spots in L.A �xܫ�x but I do want to thank everyone again including all my sponsors who has showed me so much love and support on a daily basis! You guys make me better and want me to be the best role model i can be for everybody! This is why I grind so hard I know most of you are looking up to me and I want to continue to inspire all of you! I love each An everyone of you & I cant wait to meet you! �x"ÈxÈ�xÈ�xÈxÈ�x� See you in a few hours L.A �S�️�x'�xÈ�xRÈx" #TeamCobra #Npc #MuscleContest #2DaysOut #Figure #lachampionships #losangeles #houston #fitness #bodybuilding #muscletech #athlete

Une publication partagée par J A Y F R O M H O U S T O N�x� (@jayfromhouston) le

Pourtant, impossible de s’y perdre. En effet, le corps très musclé de la jolie bodybuildeuse nous rappelle qu’il ne s’agit pas de Jennifer Lopez. Gros biceps, muscles saillants et tablettes de chocolat, Janyce brille surtout par sa passion pour le culturisme.

En faisant le buzz, Janyce a gagné quelques followers sur Instagram et affiche désormais plus de 120 000 fans. On imagine bien la réaction de Jennifer Lopez !

#MOOD after seeing last nights episode of #worldofdance WOW! @nbcworldofdance

Une publication partagée par Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) le